see america tour one

Monday, May 10, 2010

Return Trip May 10: Paint and Color

The first stop this morning was Red Rock State Park which is near Gallup, New Mexico. The name accurately describes the main feature of the park. The park is multi-functional: the natural attraction, the camp grounds, also it appears to be equipped with rodeo facilities as well as some sort of theater or convention center or both, and there is a US Post Office on site. I bought some stamps. I was planning on eating breakfast at Red Rock but decided against it as it was too frigid! Cool temps with a breeze that kept the flag in front of the post office straight out made the thought of sitting at a picnic table trying to keep the cereal on the spoon long enough to get to my mouth unappealing. The park has very good examples of large , smooth red rocks but it is only a small part of the total extent of this geologically colorful area.
The Petrified National Park, just over the Arizona line, is a short distance west down Interstate 40 from Red Rock. This place is uncommon in a land that has many unusual rock formations. What a pleasure it was to visit the Painted Desert! The petrified wood is cool too, but the purple, red, white, orange, brown, black and etc. striped hills and rocks were enchanting. The Painted Desert thrilled me. We had breakfast there at a picnic area near the north entrance. The area is tucked up next to a natural rock wall so there was protection from the wind and with the sun eye stinging bright it was warm. This park is very pet friendly so Jack had a good time too. He was welcome everywhere but the gift shop, that is as long as he was on leash.
We have been above 4000 feet in elevation for 3 days. The last 2 days above 6000 most of the time, and frequently above 7000. This high desert is high!

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